Ames Company Turns to Ancient Grain to Fight Food Insecurity

As we experience a growing population, shifts in urban sprawl, a focus on sustainable food production, and increasing input costs associated with farming today, many producers must seek new avenues of meeting those challenges. One such way is through the introduction of Dryland Genetics’ proso millet. 

While an ancient grain, the team at this Ames, Iowa-based company has introduced modern plant breeding techniques to support its use on marginal acres and those with limited moisture levels- making it one of the most sustainable crops available in our food supply system. 

The potential impact and market opportunities for these proso millet genetics are essential to fighting food insecurity while remaining sustainably conscious. Read more about the impact, here.


Dryland Genetics CCO featured on “Regenerative by Design” podcast.


New Level Ventures Investing in Dryland Genetics